Full Stack Developer - Angular/Node/Rails
MEAN Stack web app. Manage your security portfolio
MEAN Stack web app. Pretty simple, linked to a mongolab database and hosted on digital ocean. Running CoreOS with Docker to manage the Load Balancer
Simple Angular App I whipped up one day, generates a CSV of a car logbook given dates and KM
Was going to be the front end for collecting Trivial Pursuit questions, originally was going to make an iOS app to display them randomly one at a time, didn't want to pay for apple developer license so other side never got built. Simple app using angular and firebase'
Now discontinued rails app. Was almost at a point of releasing but the final piece turned out to be too much effort. Can be logged in with User: test@test.com PW: password
PHASER HTML5 JS Game. Classic Breakout. Using firebase to save highscores
A few ReverseMes I worked on a while back
Email: darcys22@gmail.com